Monday, March 4, 2013

Reviewing "Ser y Estar" & Capítulo 5

"Una Semana Típica" (A Typical Week) - this is the new chapter's title.

Please start reviewing the new vocabulary from this chapter. I don't expect you to memorize all the expressions on page 182, but need you to recognize them, in order to be able to do the textbook exercises and to do well on a test or quiz. You can start working on the textbook exercises and listen to the Internet Resource Center Textbook Audio Program's mp3's (from the Aventura textbook). Write these new words and expressions in your notebooks and write the Diálogo I. Check page 223 for the translations.

You should be able to easily answer or complete the exercises from Vocabulario I. If you check the exercises online you will understand them better.

On Thursday, March 7, 2013 you will have a Quiz on "Ser y Estar." You must be able to know when to use "Ser" and when to use "Estar." Review the PowerPoint in Edmodo (about these two irregular verbs). Review previous blog entries too. Remember to complete pages 76 - 79 from your Workbook.

TEST on Capítulo 5 (whole chapter): Friday, March 22nd, 2013.

You must memorize the "verbo Tener" (another irregular verb) and learn how to use it in sentences. Study page 186, and the handouts I gave you (to work in groups). In this chapter you will also learn about Costa Rica, and since this is my country, I can tell you a lot about it, so I need you to come prepared to ask me questions. We will read pages 185 and 193. Several chapter exercises make references to Costa Rica. Read more about Costa Rica on this CIA link:

Verbo Tener

(click to enlarge)
(notice how the endings of this verb are the same as the endings of 
the Verbo Comer for "nosotros" and "vosotros")

¿Cuántos años tienes? Yo tengo 15 años. ¿Cuántos libros tienes en tu mochila? Tengo seis libros grandes. ¿Qué tiene el profesor en la clase de español? Tiene un mapa de Costa Rica. ¿Qué tiene tu hermano en su mochila? Tiene dos cuadernos, tres libros y seis CDs. Daniel tiene una revista. Tu abuela tiene una casa muy bonita. Tus padres tienen un equipo de sonido muy bueno. Mi mamá tiene tres hermanas. ¿Cuántos hermanos tienes tú? Yo tengo un hermano y dos hermanas. Nosotros tenemos frío. Tenéis dinero? Mis tías tienen muchas revistas. Try to come up with more sentences (this will be a question on your next test, sometime this month).

Notice the word "muchas" above, which means many. Depending on the noun and gender and whether it's singular or plural, you use mucho, mucha, muchos, muchas. Examples: Tu hermano tiene mucho dinero. Ella tiene muchos libros. La profesora tiene mucha ropa. Tu prima tiene muchas revistas. Remember that you can also say "mucho gusto." 

Also remember what you saw in the video about the "Verbo Tener:" (You should have this in your notes!) And ORGANIZE yourself, put the handouts in a folder, like I said before: you should have a folder for each Chapter! Organization is the key to success!

  1. tener + [noun] - "to be + adjective." Examples: Tengo razón - I am right. Tengo hambre - I am hungry. Tengo sed - I am thirsty. No tiene hambre, tiene sed. He is not hungry, he is thirsty. No tienen calor, tienen frío - They are not hot, they are cold. 
  2. tener que + [infinitive] - "to have to + [infinitive]." Examples: Tengo que trabajar el sábado - I have to work on Saturday. Tengo que ir de compras. Tengo que ir al colegio. Tengo que hacer ejercicio. Tengo que leer. Tengo que estudiar. (You should be able to translate the ones that I didn't translate)
  3. tener ganas de + [infinitive] - to feel like + [infinitive). Examples: ¿Tienes ganas de estudiar biología? Do you feel like studying biology? Response: No, tengo ganas de escuchar música. No, I feel like listening to music. (Escuchar = to listen; oír = to hear)
Also check these two videos, from el señor Jordan: Verbo Tener 1 and Verbo Tener 2.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask señora Feld. Sorry about the different "fonts" - Blogger is giving me a little problem and changing the font I'm trying to use (Trebuchet) for some reason.

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