Sunday, May 12, 2013

Capítulo 6 - La Casa & Stem-Changing Verbs E:I

In this chapter you're learning the parts of the house (in Spanish) and other vocabulary words that will help you describe your house or someone else's house, kitchen appliances, utensils and other. You will learn words like "el lavaplatos," "el horno," "la estufa," "el refrigerador," "los cubiertos," "el cuchillo," "la cuchara," "el tenedor," etc. (pages 226, 227 and 234) - Lección A, Vocabulario I and Vocabulario II. In Lección B, you will learn words like "el cuarto," "el baño," "la sala," "el patio," "el garaje," etc. I hope you already entered all this new vocabulary in Index Cards. Review this vocabulary in: Lección A  Flashcards and Lección B Flashcards.
Please check the following videos: La Casa 1 and La Casa 2 (you will review the "Verbo Vivir").

You should be able to answer the following questions by now: ¿Dónde vives? ¿Tu casa es grande o pequeña? ¿Tu casa es de un piso o de dos pisos? or ¿Cuántos pisos tiene tu casa?
¿Cuántos cuartos tiene tu casa? ¿Cuántos baños tiene tu casa? ¿Tienes piscina? ¿Tienes sótano? ¿Tienes plantas? ¿Te gustan las plantas? ¿Tu cuarto es grande o pequeño? ¿Tienes escaleras? etc. Translate these questions and answer them in Spanish (complete sentences).

In Lección B, Vocabulario II you will review the "Verbo Tener." You will remember and learn expressions like: "Tengo hambre," "Tengo frío," "Tengo calor," "Tengo mucha sed," "Tengo mucha hambre," "Tengo poca hambre," etc. Check pages 252 and 253, translate this vocabulary and learn it. Chapter 6 will be included in your Final Exam.

You are also learning "The Demonstrative Adjectives" in Spanish (p. 238) and the Verbs "Decir" (p. 248) and "Pedir" (p. 257) - E:I Stem-Changing Verbs. Write the "Estructura" on when to use "querer" and when to use "me gustaría" (p.250) in your notebooks. Write 5 sentences with the verb ("querer") and 5 sentences with the expression ("me gustaría").

Some of you MUST review "The Demonstrative Adjectives" again! Also review the E:IE Stem-Changing Verbs (check previous entry).

Those interested in Extra-Credit: please write two sentences each with all the Stem-Changing verbs learned to date (check previous entry). If you have any questions please ask Señora Feld. Due Date: jueves 23 de mayo del 2013.

Also check the E:I Verbs Video  (from Señor Jordan). Other examples of E:I Stem-Changing Verbs are "Verbos Seguir, Repetir, Servir, Conseguir." Conjugate these verbs! Write them in your notebooks. You can find them in Señor Jordan's video.

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