After Easter we'll quickly review the numbers, the days of the week and the months of the year and complete Capítulo 5. I asked you to read the Estructura from page 188 (Textbook) and review the Workbook page 84, reviewing the Spanish expressions with ¡Qué...!: ¡Qué sorpresa! ¡Qué
lástima! ¡Qué triste! ¡Qué
volcán! ¡Qué teatro! ¡Qué parque! ¡Qué playa! ¡Qué película! ¡Qué autobús! ¡Qué
partido! ¡Qué fantástico! Etc. In Costa Rica they have expressions like "¡Qué chiva! (for "way cool" or just "cool" or "neat" or "awesome"), besides others like ¡Pura vida! (which really means "pure life") but ticos use it also for "cool." I also asked you to read page 193 (Texbook) to read a little more about Costa Rica.
We also have expressions like ¡Qué mala nota! (for "that's not cool" or "bummer"), and mae or maje for "dude" (it's a friendly expression). We also use chunche for "thing" or "thingamajig" and diay or idiay for "well?" We call blondes machos (macha - blonde girl and macho - blonde guy). And say "por dicha" a lot; which means "luckily." So as you can see, we have many typical and original expressions.
Please review the months of the year in Spanish:
Write them down in your notebooks with their respective English translation. Check the links "Months of the Year 1" and "Months of the Year 2" under "Fave" Links. Also write the higher numbers in your notebooks (you should already know the numbers 1 - 100, if you forgot them, please review the link Numbers (click this link or go to "Fave" Links). You can also practice here: Números (con el señor Jordan).
Write them down in your notebooks with their respective English translation. Check the links "Months of the Year 1" and "Months of the Year 2" under "Fave" Links. Also write the higher numbers in your notebooks (you should already know the numbers 1 - 100, if you forgot them, please review the link Numbers (click this link or go to "Fave" Links). You can also practice here: Números (con el señor Jordan).