Monday, April 14, 2014

CAPÍTULO 6 - "En Casa" (At Home)

In this chapter you will learn how to say the different parts of the house and its appliances. Also things like silverware, tablecloth and a few other food items.

Vocabulary to learn (Lección A):
El plato, los platos, los cubiertos, la mesa, la luz, las luces, la lámpara, las servilletas, el comedor, el mantel, el cuchillo, la cuchara, la cucharita, el tenedor, la sopa, la taza, la mantequilla, la sal, la pimienta, el aceite, el postre, el pan, "pásame…," "está muy buena."

Vocabulary to learn (Lección B):
La cocina, la sala, el comedor, las plantas, el cuarto, el baño, el garaje, la piscina, grande, pequeño (a), la escalera, el primer piso, la planta baja and other vocab in "La Casa" PowerPoint (in Edmodo). Other (Vocabulario II): tengo frío, tengo miedo, tengo sueño, tengo prisa, tengo calor, tengo mucho calor, tengo sed, tengo mucha sed, tengo ganas de…, la prima pequeña, yo también.

Verbs you will learn:
Stem-Changing Verbs E:IE like verbo pensar, verbo querer and other E:IE verbs: calentar, cerrar, comenzar, empezar, despertar, recomendar, encender, entender, perder, preferir, sentir and mentir. Also review verbos tener and venir. You will also learn other Stem-Changing Verbs, O:UE, U:UE and E:I, check the paragraph below. Also, check the videos on Stem-Changing Verbs under "Fave" Links, or listen to the "Stem-Changing" Song here: Like Adele's.

Class Assignment and HOMEWORK:
LIBRO página 238, read "Estructura" on Demonstrative Adjectives and take notes. Also review the verbs on página 256. Stem-Changing Verbs pgs. 433 and 434 - write them in your notebooks and translate them (know the meaning) - Stem Changing Verbs E:IE cerrar, perder, sentir; O:UE contar, volver, dormir; U:UE jugar; E:I pedir (and add "medir"). WRITE 12 SENTENCES (TOTAL) USING THESE VERBS and using all the different subject pronouns, hand in to me by Thursday, May 1, 2014. Don't forget there will be a test on May 6, 2014 on ALL Stem-Changing verbs, and Demonstrative Adjectives; plus the vocabulary from Lección A (only), mentioned above. The last test of this Fourth Quarter will be on May 14, 2014 (or May 28 - we'll see how we're doing!).

You will also learn the "Adjetivos Demostrativos" (Demonstrative Adjectives), check page 238.

You must understand these adjectives really well. You can also check the links on "Fave" Links - Demonstrative Adjectives 1 and Demonstrative Adjectives 2. Also check this link to practice: Dem.Adjectives.

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