On Lesson B, Vocabulario II "En el Restaurante" - you will learn how to order foods and drinks in a restaurant. Please start working on the vocabulary on pages 116 and 117. You will also learn how to conjugate -ER Verbs like "comer, comprender, leer, ver, hacer" and "saber." You must know the meaning of these verbs; check page 120 and write these verbs in your notebooks. Once you understand how to conjugate -ER verbs, you can conjugate other verbs like "aprender, beber, correr, creer, deber" and "vender." You can also check the link Present Tense of
-ER verbs (click this link or go to "Fave Links" in this Blog).
You should also complete the Workbook pages 56 and 57. You will have a Quiz on these verbs on Thursday, January 15 and these verbs and all the vocab on Chapter 3 will be included on the Midterm.
Review this G&V page:
-ER Verbs. Also check:
Regular Verbs (to review Regular the -AR and -ER verbs and even learn the -IR verbs). And:
Irregular Verbs Estar, Ir, Dar and
Quiz/Review. Review
verbo Ser too.
Midterm: Will include Chapters 1, 2 and 3.
Other common -ER verbs besides "comer, ver, hacer" and "saber" |